Welcome to the Anchor!


                                                      THE ANCHOR                         Image result for jesus and anchors free images                                

                      Holding onto God in a crazy world…..

                         Stories, encouragement, hope, humor and simply God things!

 To quote an “old” (ok 1990’s) song “The Anchor Holds  though the ship is battered, the anchor holds though the sails are torn”.

It is a crazy world we live in and in my opinion getting darker all the time. Right is wrong and wrong is right. There is confusion and deception everywhere.  How in the world are people making it through this crazy life?

I don’t know why at this time in my life I am compelled to start a BLOG. Honestly, I am just learning really what they are! I literally just looked up what “BLOG” meant! What I do know is that yesterday I prayed for God to send me something “new” to get excited about that would help people and less than twenty-four hours later here I am! Writing down thoughts and ideas to share.

My husband and I have been married for 30 + years. (I do not know how this can be because we are so young!) I am a mother of three, my youngest son is 17 and a Junior in High School, my daughter is 23, recently married and just had our first grandchild. A beautiful baby girl. To which we are all very excited! My oldest son is in heaven. Yes, he passed away 3 weeks shy of his 5th birthday from brain cancer. The song that inspired this BLOG was my anthem as we were ripped apart like that sail boat at every angle. This period was when we held tightest to our Anchor, Jesus.

While we have had great loss, we have also had great joy.  The birth of our daughter and the enjoyment of raising her has been a highlight along with the adoption of our youngest son. Years ago, God put adoption on our heart and sent us out on a “faith journey” to find him.

We have some serious topics to tackle but I think my favorite will be simply sharing “God things!” Stories of faith and supernatural intervention. It will be a bit of a journal dealing with daily issues too! While we will sometimes deal with serious topics it will not be depressing. I will only share darkness if it is followed by light. I plan to have FUN with this BLOG! We will be silly too! It is meant to provide hope no matter what you may be going through in your life. It is very vulnerable.

I don’t know where this blogging journey will take me but I will be honored if you will share the adventure with me. Let’s find out together…. Welcome to the Anchor.

9 thoughts on “Welcome to the Anchor!”

  1. Hi Lorria,
    I’m so happy to have found this!! I look forward to following you on this journey. I will share the announcement if it’s shareable. I do know people who could benefit from your blog. I am one of those people. The song is so beautiful. I kid you not, while I was driving today, I had such a strong feeling about how Sierra should start a blog! Little did I know yours was in the works. I now believe it was God letting me know you were about to bless us with a blog! Sierra is such an extraordinary girl! I love her daily random posts. Who knows, maybe she will start one too!! Proudly with you from the beginning. Your friend,
    Liz Perry

    1. Thank you so much Liz. This is going to be fun! I agree Sierra is a very special girl, we are so proud of her. She has mentioned starting a blog and I’m sure she will someday when she is not so busy being a wonderful mom! Thank you for taking this journey with me and your support. All I know is God put it on my heart to share. Here we go, one post at a time!

  2. This is going to be very interesting, I know you’ve collected some some really good Miracle stories

  3. So excited for this blog, being out here on the road gets to be a bit stressful. Having this blog to read & then meditate on will be great. Thanks love & miss you guys!

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